Tuesday, October 02, 2007

30 Days to a Better Shop - Day 1

Hello everybody out there in blog world!

A talented gal named Christina Perdue kind of issued a challenge yesterday on the etsy forums. Christina thought it would be a good idea to do a "30 Days to a Better Shop". There is a list of blogs that are doing it on her blog. I hope more people get involved so we can really get motivated!!

Here is what she wrote in her first challenge:
If you’re a regular in the Etsy forums you know there’s so much information floating around about how to improve your shop. I’ve decided to take that information and start a series.

We will do one thing to improve our shop every day for 30 days. At the end of those 30 days hopefully your shop looks better, is running smoother, and selling more.

So make sure to check back each day for your daily assignment!

Lets get started!

Day 1

Today’s assignment is to set goals both monthly and long term for your shop and business. I know… easy, right?

This helps by keeping you focused and gives you more determination to get your business going. Each month you meet all of your goals reward yourself. It could be a purchase from your favorites list (make it cheap, though, we don’t want to cut into profits too much), a tasty treat, an extra hour of sleep one morning, a picnic for lunch, or something else you love!

So....easy, peasy right?! Well, here are my goals:

October Goals
  1. Make 38 Sales.
  2. 300 Hearts Total
  3. Keep up with the 30 Days to a Better Shop" series.
  4. Blog everyday (or at least every other day)....even if it is a short little comment!
  5. List at least 5 new items each week.
  6. Update my pages weekly on Flickr, Stylehive, Indie Collective & IndiePublic.
Long Term Goals
  1. Get my items in more consignment shops across the country!
  2. Turn a profit rather than just getting by!

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