Thursday, July 12, 2007

So, you all read last time that I have a thing for frogs right? A pal (tabe7475) on a forum I belong to was outside one evening and almost stepped on a wee toad. She picked it up and thought, I will bring it inside and take pictures! Apparently her daughter has a fabulous dollhouse and she used the furniture as props! I asked her if I could post some of the pictures here.... absolute fave:

Don't worry, no toads were injured while making these photos! The "model" was let go shortly after!


nikki/WhiMSy love said...

That frog on the toilet is classic!
Hey, how fun that you are blogging again! Thanks for adding me to your favorite blog reads! Ciao babe!

artsyclay said...

How did they potty train the frog? LOL
Great picture!

Unknown said...

i so love frogs too. those pics are too much